
Image from 'Good Together' video

As British duo HONNE continues promoting their recent debut album Warm on a Cold Night, they've released a striking set of visuals for their single "Good Together."

While the song itself is definitely reflective of a romantic relationship, the band is making clear with the video that love is love, no matter how it comes about. The clip peers into moments of intimacy between lovers who are "good together," as the lyrics suggest.

RELATED: HONNE Talks Debut Album, 'Amazing' Rise

"The video is a celebration of love and intimacy between all different shapes, sizes, races and genders," the band said of the video. "People from all walks of life sharing special moments together. It's a testament to any relationship where you can be completely comfortable with someone even at your barest and most vulnerable moments."

Watch the video below (Note: There is some nudity).