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Ahead of the weekend, Yorkshire outfit Polo is ready to release new music.

The emerging trio is releasing their "cheeky" new single "On My End" on Friday (Feb. 1), but it's premiering today on Variance. It's crisp and shiny pop, while at times a little bit jagged and moody, making for an intoxicating listen.

"I feel ['On My End'] really captures my attitude to a lot of things a lot of the time," says vocalist Kat. "It’s basically me putting my fingers in my ears to all the external nags and pressures to do things a certain way. It’s a bit cheeky and to be taken with a pinch of sarcasm."

Polo recently signed to Tipping Point Records and it appears they have more new material in store for 2019.

For now, "On My End" can be heard below.