Photo courtesy of artist

Nashville artist Davis Gestiehr admits to falling victim to love in his latest single “Cool With It.” We’ve all been there before, purposely ignoring all the red flags and desperately trying to find the silver-linings, even though we know the outcome is likely to be heartache. However, in the moment, sometimes it's easier to put on those rose-tinted glasses and play a game of pretend.  

The 23-year-old explains, “I think everybody at some point is involved with somebody who they know they shouldn’t be involved with. I’ve definitely thrown caution to the wind at times and fucked around with people who haven’t been the best influences on me. This song is an ode to just that. Some people can really suck as people, but those same people can be pretty entertaining as well.”

“Cool With It” delivers a Strokes-esque vibe, with the songwriter revealing how New York ‘00s bands inspired the sonic direction of the track. The guitar-driven track emits a nostalgic tone, as Gestiehr’s soulful, gravelly vocals depict a lighthearted and witty tale, chanting, “I will pay your rent, then kick you out, I’ll quit you for Lent, but I’m having doubts.”

Variance spoke with Gestiehr about the new single, unhealthy relationships, performing live with Billie Joe Armstrong and future plans! 

Congratulations on the release of “Cool With It.” How would you describe the track in just three words? 

'Cool With It’ can be described as joyful, defiant, and introspective.

“Cool With It” is about falling for someone who you know is no good for you. Can you explain more about the conception of this track and does it feel therapeutic to have gone through this experience and release this song? 

I’d definitely say so. Songwriting has always been therapeutic for me. I was in this pretty toxic relationship for some years and at a point I questioned why I kept staying in it. I kept holding onto the hope that I could change this person, but I finally realized that it wasn’t my job to. ‘Cool With It’ is about coming to the realization that someone isn’t the best for you. It’s about looking inward and questioning why you act the way you do in relationships, and deciding if you’re okay with the way it’s going. 

What advice would you give to those who feel stuck in an unhealthy relationship?

Leave it. That’s the best piece of advice I could possibly give. I know situationally it isn’t always that easy, but I would urge anybody who is in an unhealthy relationship to find the strength to end it because you deserve better. 

How would you say “Cool With It” differs from your previous release “High.” 

I’d say ‘Cool With It’ differs a lot sonically than my previous release. I was inspired by a lot of New York bands like Interpol, The Strokes, The Walkmen so I feel as if the composition of the song is a little different. It's definitely lighter in its sound but the lyrics still bite. 

You had the privilege of performing live with Billie Joe Armstrong at a Green Day concert when you were just 11 years old. Can you tell us more about this experience and is there anything you learnt from it that you still utilize today?

It was crazy and I remember that night vividly. I was 11 years old and a huge Green Day fan. My parents, being cool as shit, let me bring a sign asking to sing Longview. I got the sign into the venue by shoving it down my pants. I hoisted the sign up every time Billy Joe came close to where I was standing and it must’ve caught his eye. He pulled me up on stage and whispered to me if I really knew the lyrics. I confidently said yes, he handed me the mic and I took off belting the song in my high-pitched 11-year-old voice strolling down the stage. I screamed every profanity clearly and with pride. I remember looking out of the crowd and them cheering me on,  I was in awe of the feeling. As the  song ended, Billy Joe took the mic from my hand and he stated to me “that was one of the most memorable moments of my entire life”, with that he handed me his black and white custom telecaster guitar. On the drive home with the telecaster on my lap, I knew then that I wanted a life in music. That opportunity is my defining moment and solidified the path I am on.  My only regret, I wish I could have said thanks for the guitar.

“Cool With It” is inspired by New York ‘00s bands. What is it about that style that you wanted to incorporate into your music?

I think mostly it’s just about the energy of those bands. They fill such a specific niche and for me that music garners a response that I don’t get often from other types of music. To me, it feels somewhat liberating. I also usually lay down about 10-15 guitar tracks on each song, so I am naturally driven to guitar music. A lot of those New York bands have that quality and I’m always intrigued and inspired by the riffs they write. 

If you could tour with any artist, who would it be and why?

If I could hop on any tour, I have two bands I would love to play with. Green Day would just be full circle for me. Love the new stuff and can’t live without the old. I'd also love to play with Franz Ferdinand. I’ve been listening to their records profusely over the past month so I’m really feeling them. Some of his guitar parts are so good they make me wanna pull my hair out. 

Lastly, what can we expect next from Davis Gestiehr?

A LOT of music. A lot of new singles in the new year. It’s some of the music I’m most proud of. I am also in a band called Doom Mutual, and we got some stuff coming out in late October. I simply love creating, so there is a lot of stuff in the pipeline to look forward to.