
Photo courtesy artist

Whether you're having a sleepy Monday or just needing a break from the whirlwind of a new week, Axel Mansoor's new single "White Lies" is a perfect remedy.

The acoustic track arrived over the weekend and it's deceptively sunny, with the singer's vocals on full display over the crisp guitar while the lyrics dive into the collapse of a broken relationship. "You and I should never have been together," Mansoor sings explicitly, lamenting: "But I ignored the signs / And let myself be weakened to your white lies."

The new track comes as the singer, who points to the recent success of Phoebe Bridgers and Julien Baker as inspiration for his own career, is preparing to released his Somerset EP on June 14.

He calls the upcoming project, recorded entirely in his bedroom, a summation of his quarter-life crisis.

"It’s awesome because the EP was recorded entirely in my bedroom studio with a $150 USB microphone for vocals and a DI for the guitar," Mansoor says of the EP. "Most people would assume that means 'low quality,' but it’s not. It sounds great, and it helped capture the vulnerability."

Hear "White Lies" below or across digital platforms.