
Neil Krug

New music from Foster the People just in time for your weekend!

The Mark Foster-led outfit has released a glimmering new track called "Imagination," which follows their recent singles "Style" and "Worst Nites" as well as their recent hit "Sit Next to Me."

"I think the quality that makes us distinctly human is our ability to live in duality," says Foster of the new song. "We comprehend the present external world we’re in, while having an internal dialogue about what it all means. We can be our own best friends. We can be our own mortal enemy. We can ski the Alps in the peak of summer from under our bed covers at night. We can sail the high seas with Yeats and pick his brain about the afterlife in the holy city of Byzantium. We can fall in love with a stranger that passes us on the street, forming a complete history and future with a person we’ve never even spoken to."

Hear "Imagination" below.