
Image from 'YaYaYa' video

A month after releasing his essentially perfect new album Unfurl, Ry Cuming (aka RY X) has shared a set of black-and-white visuals for his standout track "YaYaYa," which he had released back before the album.

"In the creation of this video I wanted to explore the balance of masculine and feminine in its divinity and sensuality, and allow the feminine to take on the likeness and analogy of elemental nature too," says Cuming of the new video. "The greater arc and theme was that of the opening mind, of what we perceive our world to be, and the breaking open of that into new landscapes."

He adds: "I brought on the beautiful artist Kayten Schmidt to hold the space of the feminine in this piece and directed it with a well-known photographer, Dean Bradshaw, to capture the beauty of form and nature in remembrance of artists like Peter Hujar and Robert Mapplethorpe. By my side in creative direction was the wonderful woman and friend, Lefawnhawk, who is a powerful artist and visionary in her work individually and in collaboration. I feel honoured to carry out a vision in my mind with such wonderful people and artists around me."

Watch the new video below.