
Photo courtesy artist

Montreal-based artist Myles Lloyd is the rising R&B king soaring up through the ranks and delivering yet another deep, honest and sleek single. “Counting Days” is Lloyd’s latest single following the release of his tracks “Monster” and “Running On You.” Back with more alluring R&B, the track sees the songwriter fleshing out his truth and revealing his introspective thoughts. 

“Counting Days” touches on the act of leaving your comfort zone and how it can impact you by either showing you a new way of living, or by shining a light on your inner demons. Described by Lloyd as “the realest song I’ve ever made,” it’s clear the lyrics hit harder than they have before, making this track raw and awe-inspiring.

Starting with the bass riding an eerie synth motif, it moves into an angelic touch of Lloyd’s vocals, with the track building into a softer range of melodies that feel somewhat uplifting and hopeful. The range of rhythms and beats move into an exotic pre-chorus build. “I broke down waiting for you, what angel this girl was to come through,” Lloyd sings in a restrained chill soundscape taking the dynamics down to hone in on his lyrics and the importance of the meaning.