
Photo courtesy artist

Variance favorite Austin Harms is closing out 2020 with one more brand new track.

This past week, he released his new song "Gone Away," a stirring new offering which further demonstrates Harms' skill for tackling personal struggles and tremendous loss, channeling these experiences into his gripping music.

“‘Gone Away’ was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend," he says. "We were driving and he said something that sounded exactly like something my dad would say—even down to the inflection in his voice—and I had this weird, sort of spiritual feeling. I can’t really describe it other than that it was comforting, like my father was out there somewhere, speaking to me."

He adds: "I felt a little crazy so I didn’t say anything about it and just went home and wrote this song. I don’t think I realized it at the time, but it was representative of progress in my healing journey to be able to see things from a perspective that wasn’t just focused on the pain.” 

As we previously mentioned, Harms lost his father to brain cancer in 2015, an event which has inspired much of his music as he turned to writing as an outlet for processing his pain.

Hear "Gone Away" below.