
Photo courtesy artist

Austin Harms has joined up with fellow California artist and friend Jake Messig (aka INTRN) for a new song called "used to be," their first official collaboration together.

The new song was written after a brief trip they took to New York City. It's a song about accepting growth and not fighting change, which is personal to both artists, who have each spent the last few years moving to Los Angeles and trying to navigate their careers and lives in a new place.

"I looked back at myself and was able to see that I changed over the years, and through battling resistances," recalls INTRN. "People moving, people dying, struggling with work-life balances. I was able to see that change isn’t a bad thing, and I’m getting better at accepting that change."

For his part, Harms says: "I was thinking about my dad, who passed away several years ago—thinking about going to New York for the first time and how I’m so different than who I was, and just wondering if he would recognize the person I am now and be proud of who I’ve become through everything I’ve been through over the past few years."

Hear "used to be" below.


# Sandra White 2020-05-27 08:06
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