
Photo of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis by Jason Koenig

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis announced Friday their new album, titled This Unruly Mess I've Made, will arrive on Feb. 26.

They shared the news in the form of an open letter and accompanying teaser video featuring footage of the duo as they abandoned the city with some fellow musicians and took to the woods to create music.

"What I couldn't in a hotel room, on the road or in Seattle, I found in the middle of nowhere," Macklemore said in the letter to fans. "Making music not because we had to, but because we got to. I had forgotten how to do that."

He goes on to explain some of the political inspiration for the album: “Look at the mess. Not just the one we created, but the one that is the very fabric of our country. The mess we’re all living in. Stop being silent. Even if it’s not perfect, or politically correct, you have to speak up and you have to listen.”

The announcement follows a trio of tracks, including their current hit “Downtown," the Ed Sheeran collaboration “Growing Up" and Leon Bridges-assisted “Kevin."