First Lady Michelle Obama on Friday stopped by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, where she discussed the Obamas' plans for Oscar night, the President's dance moves and daughters Sasha and Malia's influence on their music playlists. Apparently, the younger Obamas have introduced their parents to the sounds of Elle Varner and Frank Ocean, and according to Mrs. Obama, they are "Beyoncé dévotés." The latter is probably less of a surprise.

Obama also joked with Fallon that, although being the wife of the Leader of the Free World, she and her husband are not allowed to listen to certain music. "There's some music that they're like, 'I think the language is too rough for you.' I'm like, 'really?'"

Watch below for more of Obama's interview, including her hilarious "Evolution of Mom Dancing" skit, which actually preceded the interview:

