
Clara Lee

As singer-producer Zach Hurd (aka Bay Ledges) has been working on his debut album, he is sharing new music this week.

On Friday, he'll release his new single "Changing," but it's premiering a day early on Variance. The track is a glitchy, gauzy dose of welcome nostalgia perfect for a late summer afternoon. It's accompanied by a video directed by Uther Moon.

"Sonically, the song has a nostalgic feeling for me...seasons ending and snapshots of my youth," says Hurd. "For the video, Uther Moon and Luthando Mngqibisa brought some of those old mental images to life. Leaving your teenage days behind for whatever comes next."

He adds: "I wrote half of the song in Los Angeles and the other half after moving back to Maine earlier this year. Recording while we were staying with friends and renting short term apartments. Among other things, the song's about saying goodbye to a time in your life and relationship, acknowledging your own growth."

Times are definitely changing. At least we have new Bay Ledges to get us through.

Watch the video below.