
Buddy Bleckley

Cobra Man's new single is a little too timely, but it's great.

Their new song "Heatwave" is premiering today on Variance. And while it was written long before this week's actual heat wave on the West Coast (it was actually written last fall), it does in fact arrive as a big swath of the country is experiencing record-breaking temperatures of up to 120 degrees in some parts of California.

The new track is a synth-infused gem, at times glowing with a nostalgic sense of charm and other times brimming with intense dream-pop vibes. It was written by the band's Andy Harry and Sarah Rayne alongside Foster the People's Isom Innis and Bonnie McKee, the latter of whom co-wrote five of Katy Perry's No. 1 singles.

"'Heatwave' is about cabin fever and summertime madness," says Cobra Man of the all-too-relatable track. "We wrote the song about a person trapped in their shitty apartment during a heatwave flipping through dating apps to find someone who has air conditioning. It's about being desperate for comfort and safety enough to give yourself away for it."

Check out the new single below.