
Photo courtesy artist

The times are obviously very weird right now, and everyone is likely struggling with a lot of thoughts and worries and plans and then completely scrapping those plans.

Eli Hirsch gets it. His new single "What If" is the product of those wandering thought cycles, his debut release under his new moniker Eli Hurts. Hirsch, who is one-half of the indie duo courtship., produced the new song alongside Ethan Gruska, who has previously collaborated with the likes of Phoebe Bridgers and Fiona Apple.

"I wrote this song in 20 minutes," says Hirsch. "It was one of those weird ones that came out done. It’s kind of like a stream of consciousness of what’s going on at least in my head, but I assume a lot of people’s. It’s about the time we waste worrying. I had this really shitty acoustic demo of it, but when Ethan heard it he was stoked and really brought it to life."

Lyrically, the song is definitely eerie, which also seems to make it extremely fitting for this moment, with an undercurrent which subtly nods to early-2000s pop-punk and emo-rock. It's probably not a surprise Hirsch says one of the first bands to inspire his musical aspirations was My Chemical Romance, and this first song is said to be from an upcoming album written while listening to a mix of Smashing Pumpkins, Neutral Milk Hotel, Lil Peep, Weezer and classical music.

"What If" is officially out on Thursday (July 30), but it's premiering today on Variance.

Hear the song below.