
Photo courtesy artist

Ahead of a new album, Salt Lake City trio Faded Paper Figures is breaking their silence and making their return with a new song called "Bones" this week.

The riveting new track is the first single off their upcoming record, titled Kairos, which is expected to arrive this summer. The song is premiering today on Variance and it's the first preview of an album which apparently resulted from a lot of change for the band, comprised of Heather Alden (vocals), R. John Williams (guitar, vocals) and Kael Alden (keys, guitars, drums, production).

"'Bones' is a song about the history and culture of skateboarding," says the band. "We started writing it with just the image of a drained pool—something sad and trashy—made strange and wonderful by skateboarding, like a dead space suddenly coming alive! And then there are all those parts of the city—the whole expanse of concrete and metal—completely reconfigured in skating. It's as if they take things specifically made to ensure safety—a hand railing or a concrete barrier—and then turn them into objects of risk and danger. Add to that the aerial grace and incredible coolness of skating, and you've created something like a realm of the gods for teenage frustration. And it was that culture that we wanted to conjure up and honor in the song."

According to the group, they debated whether to proceed with the album release, with everything going on in the world. In fact, singer Heather Alden is a family medicine physician whose day job has taken on significant importance during the ongoing pandemic. Ultimately, the band felt it was the right move to release the new material, noting the upcoming album's intent to soundtrack the times you want to cherish the most.

Hear "Bones" below.


# Venicerose 2020-05-29 00:23
Wow! Lots of imagery in my head. Great song.
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# Davepongw 2020-05-28 11:05
Can't wait for the whole album!
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