
Photo by @anindiannamedindia

Los Angeles based Surprise Baby is comprised of singer/songwriter Sarsten Noice and producer Claire Morison. With a deep-rooted friendship which stems from their upbringing in Northwest Montana, the two decided to utilize their artistic synergy to create a sound which is undeniably enchanting. Their latest release is the glistening “Motorcycle” which speaks on the allure of escapism. For Noice, she pictured her departure from the chaos on a motorcycle, heading towards New York City. 

Noice shares, “Call it a quarter life crisis, call it fear of commitment, the feeling is that of running away. There is also a sentiment of not wanting your partner to worry over you, and making the unrealistic promise that you won't die on the road. The fact that the narrator believes so deeply they won't die while simultaneously desiring to be as close to danger as possible is the irony of the song itself.” 

“Motorcycle” is the second single to be released from their upcoming EP, which is out now. If this track is anything to go off, then we’re in for a collection of songs which tantalize the earbuds with serene soundscapes, ethereal harmonies and chilled-out melodies. Combined with lyrics that delve into themes including relationships, self-growth, spirituality and transformation, Surprise Baby’s music is like sound therapy.