
Photo of Alec Baldwin & Kate McKinnon by Dana Edelson

Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon ditched their Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton personas on last night's episode of Saturday Night Live.

The pair first appeared in a faux joint interview on CNN, with much of the focus on Clinton's emails. Coincidentally, hours after the segment aired, FBI Director James Comey said Sunday there was no new evidence found to warrant charges against the former Secretary of State. "We have not changed our conclusion," Comey assured Congress today.

In the SNL opener, Baldwin's Trump and McKinnon's Clinton sparred a bit before ultimately breaking character in disgust. "I just feel gross all the time," Baldwin said, addressing the audience: "Don't you guys feel gross all the time about this?" 

They then abandoned the Studio 8H stage and took to the streets, still in costume, embracing people no matter their possible political allegiances (Hispanic family, a man with a "Make America Great Again" hat, etc.), soundtracked to Arcade Fire's "Wake Up." 

When they returned inside, the pair encouraged the audience to exercise their rights. "We can't tell you who to vote for, but on Tuesday, we all get a chance to choose what kind of country we want to live in."

Watch the video below.