
Image from 'It Feels Good to Be a Clinton' ad

With the presidential election race tightening up and Ted Cruz somehow managing to stay afloat, the smarmy Texas Senator has released a new ad parodying Office Space as a slam against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Nodding to the 1999 film's scene in which Ron Livingston's Peter and his co-workers destroy a company fax machine, Cruz's spot finds a woman representing Clinton and two aides presumably demolishing a computer hard drive with a baseball bat.

The minute-long clip is soundtracked by a ripoff of Geto Boys' "Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta," replacing "Gangsta" with "Clinton."

While Cruz certainly doesn't belong in the White House, the people he's paying to do his ads seem to be earning their keep.

The video can be seen below, followed by the original Office Space scene.