
Photo of M83's Anthony Gonzalez, courtesy artist

As fans eagerly await M83's (aka Anthony Gonzalez) new album, the musician says the upcoming album—due in 2016—is "more fun and fresh than my last album."

“It’s a very strong album with a lot of eclecticism,” Gonzalez told Entertainment Weekly in a new interview about the record, which is now finished. “It’s very epic. There’s a lot of different genres that are not supposed to live together but I tried to make them live together, which is quite challenging. It’s also quite different from the previous albums which is what I’m the most proud of.”

Gonzalez also said the LP, the followup to 2011's Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming, was significantly inspired by old TV shows like Who's the Boss and Punky Brewster, explaining that he feels "like TV shows are starting to sound and look the same. There’s no more passion anymore. So this album is a tribute to those old-fashioned shows.”

While Morgan Kibby (aka White Sea) did not contribute to the album this time around, Gonzalez promises a number of "unexpected" will appear.