Photo of SZA by Randy Holmes

Days after releasing her enticing new song "Drew Barrymore," SZA has confirmed her debut album CTRL will arrive next Friday, Feb. 3.

“I [wrote about] my younger life, which was haphazard,” the singer told Billboard in a new interview. “Being the only black girl, not even noticing until I got older, dealing with boys, self-hate, growth and God. It’s the first time I’m literally writing about my life instead of figuratively writing about it.”

SZA said Rick Rubin's fingerprints are also throughout the record, admitting she had a "mentality that ‘more is more’ — more reverb, more background [vocals]." But after playing some of the songs for the iconic producer, he advised her to do the opposite, telling her, "The more you take away from any piece, the more room you create for everything else to be beautiful and grow."

CTRL has been one of Variance's 50 Albums to Watch for in 2017.