
A security guard for Ultra Music Festival was trampled by festivalgoers on Friday afternoon and remains in critical condition.

According to the Miami Herald, 28-year-old Erica Mack suffered severe brain hemorrhaging after attendees stampeded the festival grounds in attempt to break into the event.

Dozens of attendees were also arrested, although it's unknown how many of the arrests were directly related to the stampede.

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City leaders have immediately called for an end to the event, which has found itself at the center of controversy in recent years. Despite ballooned revenue and tourism for Miami and the downtown area, critics have pointed to a young man's drug overdose and 137 arrests last year—mostly drug-related—as examples of how out of hand the event has become.

Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado said Ultra organizers "acted irresponsibly," citing lack of proper fencing and other issues with this year's event, adding that he thinks "we should not have Ultra next year here. This incident should never have happened.”